I finally married my hubby on game. I posted our wedding pictures as well as my hubby. SE is awesome. All the details they put into the game is amazing. The wedding was beautifully done.
I have been working on getting Poetics so I can upgrade my gear. I am saving for body piece 1st (unless I get a ST drop) and then weapon 2nd. Currently my Item Level (ilvl) is 81. It needs to be like 120+. I am a bit squishy in dungeons & etc.
This is my daily routine now:
1. Mini Cacpot draw
2. Sign up for Frontline Roulette (in progress must be checked)
3. Do my beast tribe quests (currenyly working on Amalja and Kobolds).
4. Sign up for Syrcus Tower (this is newly add task)
5. Main Story Quests
6. Hildabrand Quests
This routine us standard in order that I do things and may differ slightly depending on wait times and times I'm available to play.
I have reached just over halfway mark on level 2 of my beast tribe quests for both the Kobolds & Amalja. At level 1, I liked the Amalja better. Now as level 2, I like the Kobolds better. It all now depends on location for me. I able a person who can get lost even though I have a marker showing me where the destination is. My sense of direction can be easily thrown off. Just call me Ryoga.
I now have done Syrcus Tower twice. My gear hasn't dropped at all. I did get tomb, oil and other gear that I can trade for seals. The run is not that bad actually. I'm still not clear on the ice, thunder and fire orbs in one fight. My second run I got all three on me. My first run, I didn't. I died more times in 2nd run too. I'll be less squishy when I get better gear. I think I also need to figure a way to get more HP. I'm in the 3000s I think. Maybe that'll come with the better gear.
Lately all my quests besides Main Story and Hildebrand have me unlocking Trials and Dungeons. I finally did Hullbreaker Isle. I actually got a ilvl 100 head piece there. Woo hoo my 1st high dungeon gear drop piece. I also opened Battle on the Bridge and did that fight. It was fun and funny. I ended up getting the Gilgamesh & Eniko TT card too. Awesome!!! I also did King Mog trial too. It was a nice scenic fight.
Currently my Main Scenario quests have to do with Yugiri. I wonder how long it's going to take to get me to Leviathan and then Shiva. I want to at least finish main scenarios before 3.0 comes out. I know Yugiri is an Au'ra race which we will see more of in 3.0. They should just unmask her anyway. There's other races in game we can't play as, like Kann-E (chic from Gridania with crown, don't remember name).
I am loving the Hildabrand quests. Need I say more. I want him as a minion. My very own Hildabrand. Wonder how you get him. I know you get the Green chicken in one of thd fights in this story line. Lol. These quests are awesome.
Here are some pics:

This is me currently.

She says King Mog is bad.

Does he look bad to you?

Anyways, we took care if the situation.

Look at me and hubby. We got our Level 90 version of our relic.

Evil men are just so arrogant. Lol.

The one and only.

B got a card to the head

Watching Gilgamesh searching the stream

Bested Gilgamesh in a fight. He ran out on me.

- Complete Archer Hunt Log = DONE!!!!
- Complete Adder's Hunt Log
- Open World of Darkness = DONE!!!!
- Get Married = DONE!!!!
- Collect Minions = in process
- Collect Mounts = in process
- Get Relic? = in process
- Get Gear = in process
- Get Fenrir Mount from Golden Saucer = very slowly in process
P.S. I will be cross posting some of my these posts on XIV's Lodestone.
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