First, I want to say thank you to my hubby for his help and support in this game and life. Without hus enthusiasm, I may not have picked up this game again. Now if I can't get out taxes done, I blame him, not XIV.
So this weekend I hit level 50!! I'm at the beginning of end game. I think my hubby is more excited than me. My brother is excited as well. So I guess there's lots to do going forward.
I am still continuing on with the story quests and my beast tribe quests. I pick up any quests that I see. Unfortunately, the experience goes to waste. We should be able to accumulate experience until bar is full so when they raise level cap, you'll be able to level quicker.
Ember, my ride or die, seems to be progressing slowly. We taken on a lot of enemies and quests. She's just not getting as much experience points as she used to. She's been rank 5 for a minute. Maybe I'm just impatient.
Being 50 gives me this bad ass feeling in game, lol. Areas I was nervous in, I walk around like there's nothing. All the mobs that loved to aggro me are not. This feeling still happens in zones that still aggro me. I get aggro and I'm like so what. I do get annoyed when I'm in close quarters of aggroing mobs like the Kobold's town just outside Camp Overlook.
I have unlocked a bunch of dungeons now, so Duty Roulette gets me a bit nervous. I have watched videos of the new dungeons but it's not fresh. People are jerks lately, so I don't want to give people reason to be even moreso because I'm new to the dungeon. So let me tell you my recent experience in a dungeon that I have never done.
I finally get Arum Vale in duneon roulette. I state I was new. Immediately, the healer left party. Wow. Tank and other DPS was nice about it. Tank really helpful and nice. New healer gets in, tank explains we doing a slower full run to see if he was okay with it. He said he was. We made it to the first boss. We wipe because healer left party. I know I was not being a drain on his MP. We go back to start of course to revive and wait for new healer. New one came and immediately got into argument with tank over gear and names. Next you know I'm back in Coerthas. Wow. I didn't even get to do full dungeon. I queued up again and got Cutter's Cry again. I get that dungeon a lot.
I have now like 3 dungeons open that I haven't done: Arum Vale (AV), Darkhold (DD) and Wanders' Palace (WP). I haven't watched any guides for WP yet.
During story quests, I came upon an instance which if I didn't see my bro doing it, I wouldn't know what to do. So many thanks are given to him for that.
I past my 50 job quest and got my last 2 skills and my AF top. So now I'm rocking my weird AF until I get better gear. The 50 quest was annoying tho. I did it like 4 times because my NPC was no help at all. He didn't heal me at all. He sat back cowering like a frightened dog that's too scared to attack. Bah, I'm done for now.
I did my first set of 8 man trial Cape Meridiam (something like that) and a dungeon. I did both with hubby. The dungeon aggravated me because I didn't know how to use the cannons. I've never used them before. Too bad there's not a way to practice outside a dungeon. Oh well.
So a lot has happened and there's a lot more to do. I'm really enjoying this game.

Finally made it to Mor Dhona

Running around Camp Drybone doing quests

Beat level 50 quest, rocking full AF

Latest Crab bow
- Complete Archer Hunt Log
- Complete Adder's Hunt Log
- Open World of Darkness/Crystal Tower
- Get Married
- Collect Minions
- Collect Mounts
- Get Relic?
- Get Gear
- Get Fenrir Mount from Golden Saucer
- Get to Level 50 = DONE!!!!
~ Tiger Kaosu
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