Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Puglist Shmuglist

So I played a lot this past weekend; all day Saturday and a good chunk on Sunday. I am really enjoying the game.

Saturday I got Archer up to level 30 and opened my level 30 quest. I'm one level below my Lancer. Hopefully I don't have such a hard time doing the quest. I've watched video strategies and read some too. So this coming weekend, hello Bard!!!

Here's some fun shots.
 Have you seen a huge beast in such a small room. 
 Hubby giving the camera the butt
Ah, the ocean view

Sunday, I decided to level Puglist to 15. I need job to 15 for Bard job. I've been dreading leveling it. My dread was right. I do not like Puglist. It's hand to hand combat. So I need to be up close and personal with the mobs. Every time I do, I have issues targeting. Too many lights I guess.

Hubby decided to level Gladiator with me. So we formed a light party with our Chocobos. We made our way up to level 15 by doing 3 things; hunt log, quests and fates. We did a lot of fates too. More so than anything else. I did complete the first page in hunt log. With our chocobos, we were also able to pick on mobs that were higher than us.

As Puglist, I died so many times during this one fate outside Aleport. Goblin gathering fate. The mobs were level 18 and we were between levels 12 and 15. The first time we did it, there were a lot more people doing it so it was easier. The second time was an ass kicker. There were times our chocobos barely kept us alive.

I had fun running around with hubby. We don't get to hang a lot. He does a lot of end game stuff. So any time with him is fun.

Here's some pics of fights and actions.
 In middle of the fray

Fate boss, with Totara (Hubby's Chocobo in Valentine's barding)

My Future Goals in Game:
1. Get to level 50 - in progress
2. Marry my hubby in game
3. Get Fenrir mount
4. Collect minions
5. Collect mounts
6. Become an all around bad ass

~ Tiger Kaosu

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