Monday, February 23, 2015

Titan Falls

This weekend was epic!!! It just proving I'm learning to be a bad ass, for real. This Bard job is my calling.

So this weekend (mostly Sunday and Friday evening) I picked the main story quests back up. I went plowing thru them. After all I was level 35ish and the quests starts at 30 (where I left off). All these quests, of course, were leading to the Titan fight.

As I was doing the story quest, I was able to do other quests in cities that I never been to before. I also unlocked 2 other dungeons: Brayflox and Qarn. Qarn is not dire. I'll probably end up there thru duty roulette. Brayflox was a requirement.

During travels here and there, i also got to do some hunt log mobs and acquire a new rank in my grand company. At end of running around, i unlocked Titan.

So hubby decided to he was going to help me thru both of the dungeons. We did Brayflox first. Brayflox by far us the prettiest dungeon. It's outside with nice flowers. I missed a fight because I had to scratch an itch and I didn't step in fast enough. Oh well, itches sometimes takes a priority. We beat dungeon without any casualties. I even gotten the achievement for completing map.

We did Titan next. That fight I was so nervous for. My tummy did anxious churn. My throat was dry. I was literally scared to do this fight. We get in, we find out Tank is also new to Titan. So 1st try i got caught in aoe (wasn't fast enough to get out of it) and was I fell to my death. If I was in XI, I would be bitching. I learned from my experience. 2nd try, I did my thing, avoided all aoe, got imprisoned for a few, but got out rather quickly, then tank takes a dive off of the platform. However, it's hazy how we started a 3rd round because I don't recall dying on 2nd round. Third round was the charm. At this point, my hands are clammy and trembling. My nerves just increased not decreased. I'm avoiding all aoe. I freed people from prison. I did my thing then screen went black. I almost cried. I thought we died again. I can't take any more nerves, lol. The next screen was cut scene, hot damn we beat Titan. I never felt so relieved. The nervous effects lingered a lot longer than I wanted though. My hands were still trembling and my tummy was still churny.

OMG, that was an experience. I had to turn in the quest. Then found out that my peeps have been murdered and captured. Those Garlians are going to pay. So I continued on with quests. By time I logged, I was level 38. I'll soon be able to do beast quests. I'm excited about those because you get mounts from them. I need to get back to minion hunting too.

Here are some pics from this weekend:

Dinner time.

Learned I can take screen shots in cut scenes. I must say I'm cute. #selfie

Y'shtola is my white haired twin.

Watching the sky.

Ember has no manners. Please parden her behavior. She had a tough day fighting them buzzards.

I mentioned before in another post that I played prior but quit. Well i found some screenshots of me as Lancer. I played in the late summer early fall of 2013.

Love these experience goggles.

Very provocative level 12 gear.

Resting in Limsa for the evening.

My Future Goals in Game:
1. Get to level 50  - getting there level 38
2. Marry my hubby in game
3. Get Fenrir mount
4. Collect minions
5. Collect mounts
6. Become an all around bad ass - after this post, I think I may be one 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Update is Coming

Here's link to FFXIV forums where there's a Q & A with the Producer of FFXiV. It is enough to make you ancy.

President's Day

So I finally hit Bard this past weekend. My current level is 32. Much higher than my Lancer. So let me go into details. So excited to share.

So I had been level 30 Archer since my last post. I don't play during week. (I work on my Botanist duting the week. By the way, it's level 34 now. I've also made a lot of mullah with it to.) Ok, got side tracked. So Sunday I decided to play after I finished some of my client's taxes. I had no idea what to do first, so I decided to try my level 30 quest. I get to Quarrymill where the first part took place. I went in and barely survived the win. I mean if I got hit 1 more time I would've died. Phew.. So I'm feeling awesome, I decide to take on the 2nd part. Shit man!! I won by the skin of my teeth again. Holy shit! I finally passed my level 30 quest. To me, before doing the quest, had it equivalent to the Maat fight in FFXI. This is epic to me right now. My husband said he had to the 30 quest twice. Ha ha. So, feeling like a bad-ass, I started my Bard quest. Shit... I knocked that out on 1st try too. I did all this at level 30. Didn't even get to 31. Afterwards I did my daily roulettes for some bonus experience. I hit 31 by end of the day.

So on President's day, after my work was done I popped on game. I did my dailies as usual. Worked on some hunt logs and some quests. I have to concentrate on quests and hunt logs for experience until story missions are available to me again (level 35). By time I got off, I was level 32.

I got some cool pics too.

My Future Goals in Game:
1. Get to level 50  - getting there level 32
2. Marry my hubby in game
3. Get Fenrir mount
4. Collect minions
5. Collect mounts
6. Become an all around bad ass - after this post, I think I may be one 

~ Tiger Kaosu

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Puglist Shmuglist

So I played a lot this past weekend; all day Saturday and a good chunk on Sunday. I am really enjoying the game.

Saturday I got Archer up to level 30 and opened my level 30 quest. I'm one level below my Lancer. Hopefully I don't have such a hard time doing the quest. I've watched video strategies and read some too. So this coming weekend, hello Bard!!!

Here's some fun shots.
 Have you seen a huge beast in such a small room. 
 Hubby giving the camera the butt
Ah, the ocean view

Sunday, I decided to level Puglist to 15. I need job to 15 for Bard job. I've been dreading leveling it. My dread was right. I do not like Puglist. It's hand to hand combat. So I need to be up close and personal with the mobs. Every time I do, I have issues targeting. Too many lights I guess.

Hubby decided to level Gladiator with me. So we formed a light party with our Chocobos. We made our way up to level 15 by doing 3 things; hunt log, quests and fates. We did a lot of fates too. More so than anything else. I did complete the first page in hunt log. With our chocobos, we were also able to pick on mobs that were higher than us.

As Puglist, I died so many times during this one fate outside Aleport. Goblin gathering fate. The mobs were level 18 and we were between levels 12 and 15. The first time we did it, there were a lot more people doing it so it was easier. The second time was an ass kicker. There were times our chocobos barely kept us alive.

I had fun running around with hubby. We don't get to hang a lot. He does a lot of end game stuff. So any time with him is fun.

Here's some pics of fights and actions.
 In middle of the fray

Fate boss, with Totara (Hubby's Chocobo in Valentine's barding)

My Future Goals in Game:
1. Get to level 50 - in progress
2. Marry my hubby in game
3. Get Fenrir mount
4. Collect minions
5. Collect mounts
6. Become an all around bad ass

~ Tiger Kaosu

Saturday, February 7, 2015

It's All About Ember

This post is all about my companion, Ember. That's right. It's a post about my chocobo, Ember. Ember is my life line, my buddy. She makes soloing fun. I finally got Ember after my turn dealing with Ifrit. Don't remember level.

Ember started off just taking me on my journeys across Eorzea. She was extremely handy. Then when I turned 30 (I think) I learned the knowledge to train her. So that's when she and I began killing mobs. She has my back. She heals me when when I get hurt. She's awesome.

So I wanted to make her extra special. I wanted to make her stand out in a crowd. So I gave her some special food and now Ember is my rockstar. She is now a nice purple hue. She is absolutely gorg.

Look at her.

Now she's my partner in crime. I do take offense at any mob that hurts or maims her.

Let Eorzea be warned. Ember and I are coming to kick some ass. 

~ Tiger Kaosu

Friday, February 6, 2015


I've gotten back to leveling Archer. I'm now a good robust 26. 4 more levels to 30 where I'll stop to level Puglist. I'm not happy about that. Just have to suck it up so I can turn Bard. Anywhoo...

I did my level 25 Archer quest. It wasn't difficult. I won the on 2nd try. I forgot to add some skills. Once I did, it was a breeze. I hope the rest are.

I am now doing my daily (well whenever I get on) roulettes. As Lancer I hated doing dungeons. It was very hard for me to focus my attacks. With Archer, it's been awesome. I feel like a badass now. Dungeons are a bit easier now. However, I haven't gotten to the mid level dungeons yet. So I don't know how I'll fair. My roulettes are all lowlevel and boring at this point but it's extra experience boost for me.

So at one point I wanted to make FFXIV my mini Pokemon game by collecting minions. I started looking for the quests and gotten side tracked in game with other stuff. I haven't even filled my 1st page. Sad. Hubby, I believe has 2 pages full. Lucky. But then again he plays more than me and has 2 level 50 characters. So he's been to places to get them where I can't get to as of yet. I will though. Just you wait. Yesterday, I bit the bullet and made 2 in game purchases. I bought Sleipner, a mount and Y'shtola, a minion. The minion is a white version of my character. White hair and fairer skin. Here are both of my purchases.

My Botanist job is like level 26/27. I really don't care about the levels. It's my source of making money in the game. When I'm not leveling Archer, this is what I'm doing. I get the weirdest friend requests when I am out in the Shroud. Either botters or gil sellers. I don't add people to my friend list. Free company and people I know only.

I also started and finished the Valentine's event. First event that I have completed and was disappointed in. I was disappointed that there wasn't a minion to get. There was a chocobo barding tho.

I am happy with my progress on game so far. I'm actually excited to play. The social aspect like I had in FFXI is not here but I'm still having a good time as of late.

My Future Goals in Game:
1. Get to level 50
2. Marry my hubby in game
3. Get Fenrir mount
4. Collect minions
5. Collect mounts
6. Become an all around bad ass

I think those goals can be accomplished.

~ Tiger Kaosu