So this weekend (mostly Sunday and Friday evening) I picked the main story quests back up. I went plowing thru them. After all I was level 35ish and the quests starts at 30 (where I left off). All these quests, of course, were leading to the Titan fight.
As I was doing the story quest, I was able to do other quests in cities that I never been to before. I also unlocked 2 other dungeons: Brayflox and Qarn. Qarn is not dire. I'll probably end up there thru duty roulette. Brayflox was a requirement.
During travels here and there, i also got to do some hunt log mobs and acquire a new rank in my grand company. At end of running around, i unlocked Titan.
So hubby decided to he was going to help me thru both of the dungeons. We did Brayflox first. Brayflox by far us the prettiest dungeon. It's outside with nice flowers. I missed a fight because I had to scratch an itch and I didn't step in fast enough. Oh well, itches sometimes takes a priority. We beat dungeon without any casualties. I even gotten the achievement for completing map.
We did Titan next. That fight I was so nervous for. My tummy did anxious churn. My throat was dry. I was literally scared to do this fight. We get in, we find out Tank is also new to Titan. So 1st try i got caught in aoe (wasn't fast enough to get out of it) and was I fell to my death. If I was in XI, I would be bitching. I learned from my experience. 2nd try, I did my thing, avoided all aoe, got imprisoned for a few, but got out rather quickly, then tank takes a dive off of the platform. However, it's hazy how we started a 3rd round because I don't recall dying on 2nd round. Third round was the charm. At this point, my hands are clammy and trembling. My nerves just increased not decreased. I'm avoiding all aoe. I freed people from prison. I did my thing then screen went black. I almost cried. I thought we died again. I can't take any more nerves, lol. The next screen was cut scene, hot damn we beat Titan. I never felt so relieved. The nervous effects lingered a lot longer than I wanted though. My hands were still trembling and my tummy was still churny.
OMG, that was an experience. I had to turn in the quest. Then found out that my peeps have been murdered and captured. Those Garlians are going to pay. So I continued on with quests. By time I logged, I was level 38. I'll soon be able to do beast quests. I'm excited about those because you get mounts from them. I need to get back to minion hunting too.
Here are some pics from this weekend:

Dinner time.

Learned I can take screen shots in cut scenes. I must say I'm cute. #selfie

Y'shtola is my white haired twin.

Watching the sky.

Ember has no manners. Please parden her behavior. She had a tough day fighting them buzzards.
I mentioned before in another post that I played prior but quit. Well i found some screenshots of me as Lancer. I played in the late summer early fall of 2013.

Love these experience goggles.

Very provocative level 12 gear.

Resting in Limsa for the evening.
My Future Goals in Game:
1. Get to level 50 - getting there level 38
2. Marry my hubby in game
3. Get Fenrir mount
4. Collect minions
5. Collect mounts
6. Become an all around bad ass - after this post, I think I may be one