Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Shitty People (Rant.... Sort of)

So tonight right before ER maintenance, hubby and I get on game. We did a trial roulette. I updated a piece of gear. Then we watched a video guide for Fractial Continum (FC) before we head in there. As you know video guides are just that guides. They give you an idea what the mechanics are and what the bosses do. While actually playing the game can be different due to party make up etc. So you can gather, that this is our first time for this dungeon. So let me get on with the my gripe. 

So we enter FC and of course the party gets the message that there's new player. Tank even said, 'oh new meat'. So party make up, blm, whm (hubby), brd (me) and drk. So we are going thru mobs fine. We made the 1st boss with no issue. Now the tank wants to speed run I guess because he won't stay out of AOEs, same as the Blm, which is causing strain on hubby's mp. I had to use mages ballad to help him out with mp. Tank dies. There's no mp to cure if he keeps standing in aoe. We end up wiping and having to get back to where were. Then we finally get to 2nd boss. We get thru it without a wipe. Then we are doing trash before next boss. Drk still doing the not dodging aoes. Then blm dies with tank. One of them asked if one of us were dual boxing cause we can't seem to bring dps and keep these two alive. I was going to say something but hubby said don't bother answering them. So I didn't say anything. Then we get back to place again, pass some mobs and then made it room where you jump platforms, and tank of course does he what he does best. We die but we don't have time to finish dungeon anyway. Then tank starts to bad mouth hubby and I to blm. I left the party and duty before I could respond. Hubby was going to say something but they left party. Tank also stated it shouldn't take 40 mins to do this dungeon when it should only take 20 mins. 

I mean come on. We are new to dungeon and guide doesn't say how taxing it is to heal when tanks and blms. don't dodge aoes. People have too big of a stick up their asses. If they don't want new players in dungoens, then don't fuckin' use Duty Finder.  I have to say, I am not a horrible Brd and hubby is an awesome whm, never really have too much issues in dungeons. At least we now have a feel of the dungeon and will probably do a much better job next run. 

*Originally posted on Reddit (7/14/15 11:13 pm)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Level 60

I have made level 60 in 2 weeks which is much better than the year it took me to reach level 50. I made it a priority to level this time. I will be slowing down now. I have things that I put off to do.

Well getting 60 was not bad. Not much of a grind. If you do all the quests, you pretty much level. Also toss in some hunts and a few fates. Otherwise it was pretty seamless.

The terrain was interesting. It certainly make you feel like you have to fly. Just to get flying was an adventure. FYI, everything aggros. There are no safe areas (unless in a town). With the flying you are able to do sightseeing easy. I was not planning on doing sightseeing. However, if I past a spot, I stop and do it. I haven't even looked at the log.

Flying is fun but you can lose your friend easily if you are flying together, just by flying at different levels. I am not great at camera movement. I drive my hubby crazy, lol.

So we finished the MSQ last night. The story is just awesome. We lose some characters we like and some we hate. There are still so many unanswered questions. One question was definitely answered. We do find out where Nidhogg's other eye is/was. So much has happened and much more to happen.

So we've done 3 trials. One I disliked was Bismark. You can find why here. Ravana and the surprise trial was pretty okay, mostly standard. Funny story, last night my hubby convinced me to do a trial roulette. He said "it's max 10 mins, easy way to get Law." I'm tired so I said fine. We both queue up in DF. His pops first. He gets the Hydra fight. Mine pops 5 mins later. What do I get? Ravana!!! That's not a 10 min fight. I was wishing for a Giglamesh fight.

The saddest thing about the new expansion is that Y'shtola is no longer my twin. 😔 But she looks awesome tho. She's a but edgier. I like it.


My new goals:
1. Minion gathering
2. Mount gathering
3. Gear hunting
4. Plow thru beast tribe quests.
5. Complete extra dungeons to get access to extreme roulette

Some Pics:

 Someone annoyed me
 Really? Song of Oblivion my ass.
 Laughed at this creation, All I thought was the Dragon Ball Z Super Sayan Merge Dance
Story is done for now. :(