Looking at my new surroundings. Adventures get all the excitement in traveling.

Ember and I chilling and bonding at an old Garlamand Base - Castrum Oriens

Hubby says to hurry. Area is not safe. Too many Qirin roaming around.

Look, I'm swimming. Ah, the water is soooo refreshing.

Gorgeous city. Reminds me of my travels to Asia.

It's the butt, but I finally got my Sylph beast tribe mount.

Don't remember the name, but it reminds all of the game Jenga. I would have loved to see how the natives built this tower.

More swimming, yay!

I'm under water. I am blessed by the water, so I can breathe like a fish now, no gills necessary.

Even my mounts are blessed.

Won fat cat minion from my Free Company's Raffle. Lowest roll got the cat. My RNG finally paid out.

Hubby and I on a much needed relaxation.

Got my Ginga mount from 10 wins at Frontlines (PvP)

Finally got my mount for finishing Sahagin beast tribe quests.

Emanation - the most beautiful trial. Do not let the beauty distract you, she's pretty deadly, lol. But it's breathtaking.

The Yoh mount. I love this mount. It is so pretty.

Friendly battle with my buddy Lyse. This shot was pretty great. I had good timing.

Bennu mount gift from Hubby. Besos to him.

Bard Level 70 relic gear. Story completed and Job completed. I am an end gamer again, lol. Not that I do endgame content. I dabble in it.

Guess who's back!!! Should I trust him?

Opening Omega raid. Looks pretty don't it?

The imagery in this game is so awesome. Look at this picture? I could frame this and hang it in an art gallery. It's so stunning.

Moonfaire Fireworks. They do pay attention to the smallest details in this game. Makes you feel like you really in this world. Easy immersion. You have to remember what is reality.

Made it to the final floor of the Lost Canals of Uznair. This lion was just a pussycat.

Mount from Garuda fight. I lucked on this during a wonderous trails run. Yay me.

My first pony farm and got this from Ifrit. Won it with only a roll of 67. But the party leader was a jerk and the party was a bit tense going forward. Hubby got first horse, I got the 2nd, and the leader got the 3rd. We were in there for 2 hours. But I also lucked out in this run and also got this..........

BAM!! Nightmare. with a roll of 47. Blam!!!!!! Who wins with low rolls like this? Me, that's who, lmao. But in all seriousness, this was my lucky day. I don't usually get this luck.

Also got Titan's mount too. Hubby and I decided to try duoing this at first, but we couldn't. He kept putting us in goals so we kept losing so we got a 4 or 5 person party and we knocked out ponies. We also tried to duo Leviathan but it's too much for both of us. So I have like 3 more to go, then I can get the Kirin mount.
Well this is my picture post. Hope you enjoyed it.

Ember and I chilling and bonding at an old Garlamand Base - Castrum Oriens

Hubby says to hurry. Area is not safe. Too many Qirin roaming around.

Look, I'm swimming. Ah, the water is soooo refreshing.

Gorgeous city. Reminds me of my travels to Asia.

It's the butt, but I finally got my Sylph beast tribe mount.

Don't remember the name, but it reminds all of the game Jenga. I would have loved to see how the natives built this tower.

More swimming, yay!

I'm under water. I am blessed by the water, so I can breathe like a fish now, no gills necessary.

Even my mounts are blessed.

Won fat cat minion from my Free Company's Raffle. Lowest roll got the cat. My RNG finally paid out.

Hubby and I on a much needed relaxation.

Got my Ginga mount from 10 wins at Frontlines (PvP)

Finally got my mount for finishing Sahagin beast tribe quests.

Emanation - the most beautiful trial. Do not let the beauty distract you, she's pretty deadly, lol. But it's breathtaking.

The Yoh mount. I love this mount. It is so pretty.

Friendly battle with my buddy Lyse. This shot was pretty great. I had good timing.

Bennu mount gift from Hubby. Besos to him.

Bard Level 70 relic gear. Story completed and Job completed. I am an end gamer again, lol. Not that I do endgame content. I dabble in it.

Guess who's back!!! Should I trust him?

Opening Omega raid. Looks pretty don't it?

The imagery in this game is so awesome. Look at this picture? I could frame this and hang it in an art gallery. It's so stunning.

Moonfaire Fireworks. They do pay attention to the smallest details in this game. Makes you feel like you really in this world. Easy immersion. You have to remember what is reality.

Made it to the final floor of the Lost Canals of Uznair. This lion was just a pussycat.

Mount from Garuda fight. I lucked on this during a wonderous trails run. Yay me.

My first pony farm and got this from Ifrit. Won it with only a roll of 67. But the party leader was a jerk and the party was a bit tense going forward. Hubby got first horse, I got the 2nd, and the leader got the 3rd. We were in there for 2 hours. But I also lucked out in this run and also got this..........

BAM!! Nightmare. with a roll of 47. Blam!!!!!! Who wins with low rolls like this? Me, that's who, lmao. But in all seriousness, this was my lucky day. I don't usually get this luck.

Also got Titan's mount too. Hubby and I decided to try duoing this at first, but we couldn't. He kept putting us in goals so we kept losing so we got a 4 or 5 person party and we knocked out ponies. We also tried to duo Leviathan but it's too much for both of us. So I have like 3 more to go, then I can get the Kirin mount.
Well this is my picture post. Hope you enjoyed it.